How you can lose weight and ensure it stays off!

Losing weight and keeping it off is simply a matter of changing some of your old eating habits.
The first habit to get rid of is the dieting.
Fad diets only encourage weight fluctuation, not weight control.
The Virtual Gastric Band Programme is helping so many people who struggle with controlling their weight.

The Virtual Gastric Band programme (VGB) is not a diet. It is the ideal tool to help you change those old eating habits without dieting. What is it then? It is a non-surgical technique that utilises the power of hypnosis to help you reprogram your eating habits.
The hypnotherapy techniques used convince the brain that the stomach is full when it reaches a pre-defined level and no further intake is required. This means that when you have your breakfast, you only need a small portion and you will be satisfied, when you have your lunch, again you only need a small portion and you will feel satisfied, and the same for dinner.
The outcome is a change in eating habits and the way you think about foods, which gives you safe, predictable results. No more fad diets!

All it takes is four sessions with me, using a tried and tested VGB programme.
This programme has had huge success in Northern England where Sheila Granger, the pioneer of this programme, has been carrying out extensive research into the benefits. 96% of the people taking part in the research obtained good results, in total losing 14st and 5 metres of body measurements without dieting!
For more information, please check out my website page
Like my facebook page for up and coming details on group VGB sessions running in the Southend area